Monday, October 26, 2009

As the Pink Worm Squirms

As the Pink Worm Squirms was written for my bitch, pink twitch.

Mistress plots
As the pink worm squirms

She stirs the cauldron
and putters about
and the pink worm squirms.

She kicks pots and pans
looking around
and the pink worm squirms.

She finds the bat
but throws it astray
as the pink worm squirms.

She opens the fridge
pulls out salami
and the pink worm squirms.

She said, oh no
it’s tomorrow’s lunch
and the pink worm sighs.

She moves some bottles
Finds the eggs
Boils them up
and the pink worm squirms.

She ices them down
Peels off the shells
and the pink worm squirms

She pulls out the peanut butter
Coats the eggs
And looks at him with a gleam in her eye
As the pink worm squirms
The last squirm of the day.

The following morning
She checked his cage and
Made him an omelet with the eggs that he laid!

© Nikita 2009

Taste the whip...

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Clubs and bells, your servant, dont forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Dos versiones, de dos maestros, cada una mejor que la otra, la letra de Lou Reed y el violín de Cale, la primera canción de rock con el tema del fetichismo y los látigos y el cuero allá en el 66…

Bueno, a mi me llama la atención y me gusta eso de las botas, el cuero…y un poco de masoquismo y sadismo… Todos tenemos nuestro lado oscuro y para vivir felices las parejas (dicen, porque a mi se me diluyen muy rápido) deben ser muy elegantes para afuera y muy sucios en la cama…algo así? Conmigo funciona.

Que usen botas…sin nada más puesto, unos rasguños, unos mordiscos…un antifaz? buenazo… y me tendrán a sus pies…

Mientras tanto, kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather and taste the whip…

Strike, dear mistress, and cure my heart.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Extreme Ageplay Fantasy Phonesex With A Twist

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

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Monday, October 12, 2009

DomCon Drop

You heard it here first. DomCon, the femdom convention held in Atlanta this past weekend, was a success even though the energy level was a bit more subdued than last year.

Once my presentation on the Switch Dilemma, which went over by 30 minutes, was over, I relaxed and had a great time.  The presentation went really well.  I’ll write a blog on that later.

I attended a couple of interesting classes. One was electro sounds.  I dunno if I’ll EVER do that, but I can assist if needed.  Another one was Encasements – Bondage Without Ropes.  I encouraged one of my friends to try the latex vacuum bed.  At first she panicked because she couldn’t breathe through her nose.  She had a pvc type breathing tube that was for the mouth and allowed her to take in air, but she forgot to use it.  Then she tried it again, breathed through her mouth like she was snorkeling.  She certainly garnered bragging rights.

Got some great prizes for MyDungeonspace’s  football pool from Torvea and Rainbow Ropes. They will be awarded after the Superbowl.  If you have an interest in participating, you can read all about it here. There are unusual but fun side bets where the Doms bet on a team and if they don’t win, the sub pays a penalty.

The rope is red MFP, washable and comfortable. I brought it home with me and will ship it to the winners myself.  I have 3mm for micro bondage and the other is about 6mm for regular bondage. The micro bondage rope is commonly used for head bondage, toes, finger/hand, nipple, and cock bondage.  It seems Rainbow Ropes website’s security certificate expired a few days ago, but it will be up in the next couple of days.

I went to the Mistress’ Tea with Domina Dea.   Lovely, blushing, sissy maids served us tea.  Many of them belonged to the Dommes present.  Rest assured the service was impeccable.  Also available, were foot and hand masseuses and more.  There was a wide spectrum of dominas, from butch to Queen and dressed to the nines.

My Sunday afternoon ended sitting in the lobby of the hotel enjoying the parade of people, new friends and old, exchanging sweet goodbyes.

Today I feel like a hamster in a cage playing catch up.  ‘-(  No I don’t expect pity, but there is a reason it’s called DomCon drop.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Court Hears Free-Speech Case on Dogfight Videos

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. wanted to know if Congress could ban a “Human Sacrifice Channel” on cable television. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg asked about videos of cockfighting.

“What about hunting with a bow and arrow out of season?” Justice John Paul Stevens asked.

“What if I am an aficionado of bullfights,” Justice Antonin Scalia wondered, “and I think, contrary to the animal cruelty people, they ennoble both beast and man?”

And Justice Stephen G. Breyer asked about “stuffing geese for pâté de foie gras.”

The rapid-fire inquiries came in an exceptionally lively Supreme Court argument on Tuesday in the most important free speech case this term.

The case concerns the constitutionality of a 1999 federal law that bans commercial trafficking in “depictions of animal cruelty.” The number and variety of questions suggested that most of the justices thought the law was written too broadly and thus ran afoul of the First Amendment.

In defending the 1999 law, Neal K. Katyal, a deputy solicitor general, cautioned the justices against pursuing an “endless stream of fanciful hypotheticals.”

Mr. Katyal reminded the justices that the case before them concerned videos of dogfights and that the law itself was mainly prompted by so-called crush videos, which cater to a sexual fetish. Those videos show women in high heels stepping on small animals.

But the 1999 law by its terms applies to audio and video depictions of all sorts of activities in which “a living animal is intentionally maimed, mutilated, tortured, wounded or killed” if that conduct was illegal where the depiction was sold.

The case before the court, United States v. Stevens, No. 08-769, arose from the conviction of a Virginia man for selling videos of dogfights. The man, Robert J. Stevens, was sentenced to 37 months in prison. The federal appeals court in Philadelphia last year overturned Mr. Stevens’s conviction and struck down the law on First Amendment grounds.

Patricia A. Millett, a lawyer for Mr. Stevens, urged the justices to follow suit, saying the law could not be rendered constitutional by narrowing it through judicial interpretation.

“There is interpreting and then there is alchemy,” Ms. Millett said, “ and I think this statute requires alchemy.”

The law does exempt materials with “serious religious, political, scientific, educational, journalistic, historical, or artistic value.”

But several justices indicated a discomfort with the vagueness of that standard and with entrusting the question of a work’s “serious value” to prosecutors and juries.

“Could you tell me what the difference is between these videos and David Roma’s documentary on pit bulls?” Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Mr. Katyal, referring to “Off the Chain,” an exposé of dogfighting. “David Roma’s documentary had much, much more footage on the actual animal cruelty than the films at issue here.”

Mr. Katyal responded that “the line will sometimes be difficult to draw.”

Justice Scalia said the law violates the First Amendment by treating speech condemning depictions of animals fighting more favorably than speech celebrating the fighting. Mr. Stevens’s “message is that getting animals to fight is fun,” Justice Scalia said.

The hypothetical Human Sacrifice Channel came up late in the argument. Justice Alito described how it would work.

“Suppose that it is legally taking place someplace in the world,” he said. “I mean, people here would probably love to see it. Live, pay per view, you know, on the Human Sacrifice Channel.”

Ms. Millett haltingly said that Congress could not ban such a channel solely on the ground that it was offensive.

Mr. Katyal, to the apparent surprise of some of the justices, agreed, saying the First Amendment would not permit a law banning such a channel unless it could be shown that the depictions made the sacrifices more likely. The distastefulness of the depictions alone would not justify the ban.

The justices did not seem inclined to expand categories of speech outside the protection of the First Amendment, notably obscenity and child pornography, to encompass violent images unrelated to sex.

In child pornography, Justice Ginsburg said, “the very taking of the picture is the offense — that’s the abuse of the child.” In dogfighting, by contrast, she continued, “the abuse of the dog and the promotion of the fight is separate from the filming of it.”

Ms. Millett agreed. “If you throw away every dogfighting video in the country tomorrow,” Ms. Millett said, “dogfighting will continue.”

Justice Breyer suggested that Congress would be able to draft a more carefully tailored law focusing on crush videos and the kinds of animal cruelty that are illegal in all of the states.

“Why not do a simpler thing?” Justice Breyer asked. “Ask Congress to write a statute that actually aims at those frightful things it was trying to prohibit.”

“I am not giving Congress advice,” he added, “though I seem to be.”


Monday, October 5, 2009

Review of TWIKS #9 Podcast featuring Domina Dea and Boss Bondage

Domina Dea was a guest on  This Week In Kink’s, podcast #9, along with Boss Bondage, member the West Coast Assholes.  You’ll have to listen to the interview to hear about the West Coast Assholes.

The podcast was produced by Tonya. She invited the guests, prepared the questions, and supplied sources for the topics.  She and John Baku engaged Domina Dea and Boss in questions submitted by their audience.  The discussions were informative, intelligent, candid, and peppered with lively repartee.

I felt like a fly on the wall listening in on an intimate conversation between 4 people who were sitting in a lounge sipping their poison comfortably chatting away.

As I told Domina Dea, she was interesting, very intelligent, and her voice was sexy as hell. She should have her own show period.  Seriously.  But I am biased.   ‘-)

Friday, October 2, 2009

PLS Is a Barren, Desolate Wasteland

Kinda quiet around here, isn’t it? Yes, ever since autumn rolled around the blog seems to have fallen into a dark, stagnant malaise, a funk which is reflected not only in its content (he said, as though he was not himself partially responsible for the blog’s content) but also, somehow, in the search engine terms which lead readers to this site. Remember the good old days, when people found PLS by looking for all types of crazy, morally reprehensible things? These days our search engine terms just seem to show the same stuff, over and over.

Take the terms for this past Sunday, for example:

Eminem, John Belanger, sperm sharking. Ten terms, and not a single one I haven’t seen a thousand times before.

Still, there have been a few terms that I felt were worth commenting on, so without further ado, here they are (in compact, appealing list format):

The Top 3 PLS Search Engine Terms Worth Commenting On

3. “walter brimley”

I can’t tell you how many people have found our blog by searching this name. (Okay, I can. It’s eleven.) Obviously this term is leading people to Sam’s controversial post on John Fox, but the guy Fox replaced was named Wilford Brimley, not Walter. I know this may not seem like a big deal, but I can’t help but feel that we’re preventing people from finding information about Walter A. Brimley, CLU, the Flint, Michigan financial advisor. I can barely sleep at night thinking about how many clients that man must have lost to this blog.

By the way, how much must it suck to be constantly mistaken for a celebrity who doesn’t even really have the same name as you? Oh, wait…

2. “military fetish”

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m getting sick of these damn fetishes.  You’re looking for a military fetish?  Really?  Well, fine, here you go:

Nah, this is just the Care Bears again. I was going to Photoshop General Ray Odierno's head onto the body of a girl in a camo bikini, but... I don't know. I'm just not up to that today.

1. “dick fetish”

God damn it.  You don’t have a “fetish,” you’re just a straight woman or a gay man.

I really am sick of this.  You know what, here’s some classy stuff:


Chichen Itza!

Sodium bicarbonate molecule!

There.  The next time I check our search engine terms I better not see any dick fetishes.

Things Doms aren't supposed to talk about.

One of my moderators at MDS, Minofsin, posted a very provocative blog this evening about Dominants.   I’m posting it here because I really like it.  Sometimes I feel that being a dominant is sort of belonging to a really cool club with a bunch of cool people and everyone’s nodding that it’s all cool, except for those times when you just want to be.

Things Doms aren’t supposed to talk about.

by Minofsin

You don’t see many Dominants willing to discuss these things in public. One of the interesting things about the Roundtable program that is running here in Chicago and the MAsT meetings are the first times I have actually heard Dominants/Masters complain about the petty shit we aren’t supposed to mention anywhere else. Ok, maybe you hear complains, but it’s usually made in jest. But to hear other Dominants talk about their issues and their struggles not just with their relationships, but their own internal issues is refreshing.

We’re not alone.

But again, it’s not always what it’s cracked up to be. Don’t get me wrong, unless I was seriously forced to at gunpoint, I’d never give this lifestyle up. It completes me in a way few others do. But there are times when I want to pull out what little hair I have left and scream to the top of my lungs, “I’m tired of being a fucking Dominant.” Some days, I only want to deal with myself and nothing and no one else.

If saying that causes some to shake their head and think (because of course no one would have the balls to say it) that I am not a “twue Dom” or that I am a “wanna be Dom” (as a foolish and insipid former sub once referred to me) then so be it.

The reality is nothing is perfect. When I was reading that other blog I referenced earlier, it resonated with me on several levels. Because some of what she wrote has been told to me, personally. We all have off days and off moments when we doubt ourselves and what we are doing. It’s just the slaves and subs seem to be more honest and open about it.

While I have not had any such thoughts in a while, now and then it DOES happen. As I am learning, it’s natural. It’s part of the process. Even when I was happily married (for like those 5 or 6 days — LOL), there were times when I wanted to run away. I Love my son more than anything else on this planet, but there are times I’d like to drop kick his ass into the next garbage truck. Don’t even get me started on my mother.

As much pleasure as I get from all of this, from time to time it can be a bit much, and it is. Then, just as quickly as the frustration manifests, it goes away and the regularity of my life returns. Which is why I always say, don’t act out of anger. Because when that anger go away, the only thing you are left with is shit.

We build up these relationships to be some sort of Utopian vision of domestic bliss, when the reality is they are just like any other type of relationship. Yes, they are wonderful, but they can also make one’s ass itch. The itching, however, is temporary. But if it is consistent, then there are larger problems.

I think we all need to vent and purge now and then. I hope I don’t get kicked out of the Dom Club for saying any of this, but it needs to be said. Behind all the bravado and all the posturing is most likely a Dominant who sometimes gets just as frustrated as someone on the other end of it.

It’s called real life. Something I think many people could learn.