Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ai Kora Fetish

Well, I was over at a site that’s miles better than this piece of crap (which could be any site really), and I was reading an interesting post. Then I clicked a link. The link went here. That made me go here, which in turn made me go here. Now…..well now we’re here.

Ai Kora

Ai Kora is your typical “Glo the Legend will love this shit” manga. It’s about a kid who loves specific parts of a girl, in other words, he is a “parts fetishist”. If a manga or anime has the word “fetish” involved somewhere, there’s a big chance that I’m going to love it. Let me break down the specific parts he is looking for:

  • Specific Eyes
  • Specific Legs
  • Specific Voice
  • Specific Breasts (duh, this is obviously important….although not really to me, as much as I lead on)

Awesomeness ensues. He goes to a high school in Tokyo just so he could have a better chance to meet a girl that has these parts, and wouldn’t you know it, he meets 4 girls, all of which each have one part that he desires, right off the bat. All of them are incredibly cliche, which is completely fine with me. In fact, I might say that this is an incredibly cliche manga. Here are the main girls:

  1. A tsundere (eyes)
  2. A hot sensei (the older woman, legs)
  3. A shy girl with glasses (and huge cans)
  4. A small ninja girl (she has the voice)

These are all very cliche characters, I haven’t seen anything to confirm my beliefs yet (I only read one chapter), but I have a hunch that the sensei is going to like to drink (because that would be cliche). Anyway, the situation is that somehow, Hachibe, (main character) has moved in with all of these girls (well, in a shed on their property, which is the girl’s dorm). You can probably see where it’s going.

Is this another cliche harem? I don’t like those.

Yes you do, you just don’t want to admit it. Everyone likes cliche harem. Although, I wouldn’t consider this a harem at all. Why? Well, I don’t know, it’s not like every girl wants to go…..hmm….it probably is a harem. And yes, it is horribly amazingly cliche, but cliche never bothers me, as long as it’s done correctly, which, in this case, it seems to be.


ANOTHER EDIT/UPDATE: Well, now I’m on chapter 22, and this manga is just fucking awesome.


Milk Grappling! HAHAHAHAHAHA!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Women Connecting with Nature and their Own Bodies

Yesterday, I found a great article on a woman who blogged about her wonderful experiences with her body which she recently discovered. While my articles have tended to be aimed for men, this blog might be of interest to both males and females. For the males, this is useful information and for the females, something you might want to try if you often suffer from cramps or menstrual discomfort. I’ve touched briefly on this subject through one of my previous posts but given how inspired I was by one of the blog-authors of Betty Dodson with Carlin Ross in her article describing her experience. I’m always extremely grateful when I see big-time book/magazine writers or popular authors respond to me because it gives my blog a sense of worth and that my responses are valued by such prestigious individuals. Much to the resistance of the girl I am seeing (wish I could call her my girlfriend) who doesn’t particularly “like” the fact I enjoy the female body, including menstruation, I feel very attached to my blog and many of its readers. My blog has been around for less than a month yet has almost achieved a thousand hits and this is no less my hard work than all my visitors and all the great feedback I’ve been getting from popular individuals! Anyways… on to the rest of my blog.

This world is slowly (and I say SLOWLY) beginning to bring menstruation out of the shadows and into actual discussion. Compared to when I was a child, menstruation is definitely discussed more openly, but still, this discussion tends to only flow (pardon the pun) between females and males are still unfortunately sheltered from truthful, informative and realistic discussions about it. When a parent is watching T.V with a child, what does he/she do when something inappropriate comes on the screen? Most would try to cover their child’s eyes/ears from it or change the channel. Likewise, this same “shielding” action is applied to education about the female body to males. What do guys love about the female body? Vaginas, breasts, they are great – I don’t deny it… but is that ALL we should know? Doesn’t that make guys a bit dense that we (heterosexual males) love the vagina so much but that on the first sight of menstrual fluid we run away? When’s the last time you saw one of your male friends watch UFC or another “realistic combat match” where there’s blood pouring out every pore of the combatants face and not even cause a cringe but if you were to ever mention “period”, “menstrual” or another like-word, you get the dirtiest look ever? I used to be ashamed of my interest in the female body and menstruation and I might very well be labeled as “creepy” or “perverted” – but whatever label you want to give me, I can tell you there is nothing more that a mature woman wants from a guy is one who knows how her body works. From the start of this blog, I have conversed with other bloggers who have given me lots of positive feedback and praise that I’m reaching out to touch many males who truly should take some time to love the female body for ALL it is worth, not just the fact that there is some nice bouncy parts and a hole for us to feel good and whether they want to accept it or not, menstruation WILL exist.

Now, let’s talk about masturbation. On its own and between guys, this is one of the topics that we OFTEN talk about and you might not want to admit it, but we do. I have had countless conversations with my guy-friends about it, exchanging the techniques, our experiences, who/what we fantasize about and everything about it… for guys, this is something we gloat about to each other! Being part of many communities/forums now and in the past, men are more likely to be upfront about such habits both online and offline. Women on the other hand, are more open about it online but will rarely admit to it offline or if you know them in person. Why is this? Both males and females have a right to masturbate, in fact, I think BOTH genders (or everyone in between) should do this because there’s nothing more liberating than knowing your own body inside out. You know when you go through a tough day at school, at work or at home this is one of those things that you can forever do to make yourself feel good. Feel stressed? Why see a shrink, down pills or mull around – go to your room (or if you’re adventurous, ANYWHERE legal) and have fun! This is akin to the idea of “What do you call a girl who sleeps around? A slut” – bad bad – but “What do you call a guy who sleeps around? A player” – the role model for many guys. Why is it we set different standards for males and females? We are both entitled to love our own bodies and in order for you to find someone who loves you just as much, you have to love yourself.

Now that both menstruation and masturbation is out there… let’s try merging BOTH of these together… WOH, stop right there! I’m sure that’s the reaction of most, but why? Are both of these not natural body functions? Why do we see going pee to be such a “regular” thing, but not when you talk about either of those topics then mix them together? I know of very few girls (or at least ones who admit) that enjoying masturbating during their period. You can down all those pain-relieving pills you want, but a 10-minute play-time with yourself (or however long you take to orgasm) will probably relief those cramps faster/longer than those pills will and guess what? There are no negative side effects! (unless you’re opposed to feeling euphoric) I remember when my one of my ex’s used to complain about her bad period pains that I told her that I’d get her a sex toy to enjoy herself with and she loved it so much she bought it before I did, lol. I know there are girls who don’t feel “up to the mood” when they are already feeling pretty crappy, but that’s usually because they’re resistant to the idea of menstrual masturbation in the first place. Once they “try it, they never go back” – seriously.

Whether your flow is light, medium or heavy, you can enjoy yourself like your body intended it to be. All it takes to have a successful session is some preparation and a bit of clean-up (please wash your hands.. lol). The last thing that you want to do is worry about the mess you’re making because then you’re not concentrating at the task at hand and that is well… using your hands and fingers. Girls who are not afraid of doing a bit of laundry can always just lay down a retired towel or bed-spread and let her loose. For those who want a bit of “security” can always masturbate through your pad as both your secretion and menstrual flow will go onto the pad. Tampons, now here comes multiple options – you can either masturbate with your tampon IN, or use the tampon itself as it can be used for stimulation and will absorb flow on its way out. You’d be surprized at how many girls actually masturbate through their pad, nothing beats being able to use something 2-for-1! Most of the girls I know turn bright-red when they admitted it to me – but I never hold that against them or make them feel uncomfortable, because what’s wrong with what they’re doing? They aren’t committing a crime surely! The cleanest option for those who really don’t want to prep/clean up is just to do it in the shower and it’ll all just go down the drain. It might look like a scene from Carrie, but that’s not my problem :P

Masturbating during menstruation allows a woman to deeply tune into her body and connect with the natural side of herself. While I’m not female and cannot attest to this personally, I can recall many experiences where this proves true and I know there are many women who will attest to this. A woman’s body works wonders and often, menstruation (or lack thereof) is indicative of her overall health such as stress, internal aliments or even unknown happiness. All we guys get is a penis that doesn’t tell us much except for a heart condition when we can’t get it hard. Although women get “the curse” (and that’s not MY label for it) by having to go through this monthly, they are so much more knowledgeable about their bodies IF they are willing to listen to their own signals. By spending a time to discover her own body, there’s no one more that benefits from it than herself. Menstrual masturbation is more than just relieving the cramps and having an extraordinary orgasm, but is also allowing one to understand and accept the wonders of pleasuring oneself and that menstruation is nothing to be afraid, embarrassed or sheltered about. Once a girl can come to terms with doing such a thing, it opens her up to a whole new world and if you don’t believe me, you can try yourself or even talk to one of your female friends who DO masturbate during their period – you don’t have to trust MY word for it! Heck, you don’t even need lube!

This post suddenly sparked a lightbulb in my head to follow up with another topic on what “Guys can and SHOULD do for their girlfriend/wife to make her period comfortable” – because guys, you weren’t put on this planet just to reproduce, but to love, tend and care for your significant other!


Friday, January 22, 2010

Twenty-Two Tiny Tasteful Tits

A lot of guys are attracted  by big tits. The bigger the better. D cup tits. DD cup tits. Tits sooo big their owners can’t sit up. Tits so incredibly stupendously massive their nipples are covered with snow from November through May.

But not everyone believes bigger is better.  There are men who believe in that venerable maxim: more than a mouthful is wasted. These discerning gentlemen won’t admit it, but they find oversized mammaries repugnant. The view a five foot three 110 pound woman with DD tits as an object of ridicule. Here for those gentlemen, ten photos of women with minimal breasts but maximum appeal:

bronze goddess, asleep in the sun, pale & blond, pert little things, don’t be shy, long & lean, trim, no there there, not necessary, proud woman,’ modest achievements.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mistress DiDi calls it like it is....

So last night I had a long conversation with my dear friend Mistress DiDi. It’s really wonderful to have friends in this Lifestyle that share the same ethics and understand the art of Power Exchange. I appreciate her energy and vast wealth of knowledge. To listen to her talk about BDSM is like listening to a child who just purchased a new video game. It’s exciting. It’s challenging and it’s HERS. I hear pure joy when revisiting Mistress DiDi’s stories. Yet hear the sadness in her when we discuss the scene today.

We chatted about the recent release of subs and giggled extensively at the many advertisements for hookers and escorts who don a whip and call themselves ‘Dommes’. It is sad that many, due to media and public “opinion” do not know what Power Exchange is or the art of it. When you have television shows, porn that has BDSM elements & folks who misinterpret that the fashion of leather, latex & corsets validates them carrying an implement and calling themselves a Domme. It’s no wonder that many are jaded with the thought that sex is a must during a session. Such a sad reality.

I have a friend Kitty Von Dolce, who is an adult starlet- that while she appears in ‘Kinky’ & ‘BDSMish’ porn UNDERSTANDS that what she does on film is simply just that- for film. She doesn’t pretend to be a Domme and is actually very humble in her approach by outwardly stating: “I just do it on film”. I love Kitty’s openness that she will tell anyone, she knows nothing about BDSM/ KINK. What she portrays on film is an orchestrated fabricated fantasy. The illusion of dominance. Not true Power Exchange. It’s just porn with BDSM/ KINK elements. VERY different from the experience of Power Exchange. Recently she was asked to session and called me for advice. She told me from the very beginning she knew nothing about power exchange and wanted me to guide her. Protocol is something she is not familiar with and while she had no intention on sessioning- she wanted to honor the Lifestyle by approaching the sub properly. After discussing at length what I do and what it entails she admitted it wasn’t for her. I like her honesty. Her responsibility as a woman to say she didn’t know enough and she’d leave it to those who really live it. It’s rare to find honest people like that now a days. The average person would look at it as a ‘pay day’ and jump at the opportunity to make a quick buck even at the expense of another’s safety.

I admire those who want to explore and experience a Lifestyle that’s foreign in concept to them. It shows an openness and willingness to learn. Although in regards to BDSM/ KINK, indulging with someone who is not experienced can be volatile. Safety should always be paramount. Before beginning a session it totally surprises me how often new people I’ve played with will say: “No one has ever asked me if I have physical limitations or if I’m taking any meds.” To find a Domme/Dom that can nurture an exploratory experience with a masterful skill set is priceless.

In my conversation with Mistress DiDi we touched based about her article: Domme vs Dumme. Which I will say gave me such belly laughter, as each paragraph did indeed embody some one I’ve come across at some point in time. I encourage you all to read it. She’s a wonderful resource for many. I’m grateful to have people like Mistress DiDi and my best friend & Partner in Perv: Lady Jessica Sovereign in my inner sanctum. Friendships that bring me happiness and shared knowledge. Full of laughter and women I know that I can always learn from. While both women are powerful beyond compare they are very different, the one common thread we all share- LOVE for The Art of Power Exchange. Here’s to you my fellow Goddess’.




Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"They're like us... But less dramatic"

X stumbled upon the profile of a young, owned slut and pointed out that she and her owner are very similar to he and I, only less dramatic, and encouraged me to read her blog/posts etc… He can’t seem to figure out how these two, who are younger than us (they have the same age gap as us, so she is 3yrs younger than me and he is 3yrs younger than X), appear to have “it” figured out…

I read her blog. Well, parts of it. It’s hot, it turns me on, it reminds me of certain times in the past… But the more I read the more down I got, the more upset I got, the angrier I got… I asked X if he’d figured out what the difference between them and us is yet. He said no. I excused myself and went for a walk.

I thought of 100+ reasons they’d be different to us… Maybe she this, maybe he that, maybe they this, whatever. It just pissed me off. I opened this up planning on writing them all down but I know that won’t be beneficial to me so… I’ll keep my mouth shut.


TIS: I kept my mouth shut.


I’m having SERIOUS internet issues still. I went and bought a sprint mobile broadband card thinking that would fix My problem but it isn’t !!! I can get online but it kicks Me off and on like crazy which makes it hard to cam for the lucky losers who have EARNED it ! I’m extremely pissed off about it and I’m starting to wonder if I live in some weird dead zone ! Idk ! I will be researching other options over the next couple days so we”ll see what happens.  In the meantime keep sending that $$$ that you know keeps ME happy and spoiled as I deserve to be.

Don’t forget I leave for Florida Sundayyyyyy ! I’m so totally excited for My girls trip ! Some of you have been doing a great job sending in tributes and funding spa treatments for My Bestie and Myself but you little bitches can ALWAYS step it up for Goddess so I suggest you do so !

And keep shopping…….


Friday, January 8, 2010

Flickrotica: On the Edge

Here’s how Carlo Wagner describes himself:

I’m a Shanghai, China based German 50 yo expat who’s engaged in nude photography for several years. With my nude-, fetish- and outdoor-photograhpy I adore female beauty.

Carlo’s set Bondage is a well done collection of artistic portrayals of women in… what else? …  bondage. His photostream offers photos of women both whimsical and hardcore.

Bondage play in Second Life!?

If you like your sexy photos photoshopped you’ll love Zyngyr. The pics in this set are Flickr favorite. I like this one blown up large

Them, an offbeat, erotic collection, by nedrosen! I’m happy Annie Stone shot herself.

Erotica is often very provocative, getting more attention from more variety of people than most anything else. I like that about it, that it has the potential to interest, excite, offend. Ultimately, that’s why I like shooting it – to raise eyebrows for all those different reasons.

Scot-5×5-Erotica Stunning art nudes of boys and girl. One great set.

Gesell Stephen’s thirty-two photo flickr ’stream is bizarre, stylized and hot. So are those of Sabrina Dacos.

Andy Quarius’ studio images are both lush and wry. Who wouldn’t want to play with Zatanik Doll?

And, finally, the slightly surreal bondage photos of mdominik.

Added bonus shot (see last post): natural selection


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Meeting the Goddess

Before things start getting hectic and crazy at the office, I’ve decided that it’s the best time to stop by and visit Ophelia, my massage Goddess.

Seems like I wasn’t the only one with that idea as she was quite busy and took quite a while before confirming our rendez-vous. She finally sent me an Ok earlier tonight – in which she writes:

“Of course I remember you – the pantyhose lover ;) 1 in a million !”

I had asked her the first time we met if she had any other client who had asked to wear pantyhose for them during the massage. “Nope. Stockings, latex, heels, panties, big ass white cotton panties…but never pantyhose.”

Well then, I guess that does make me a bit special :)
